Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wendy Garret < GunXSword> Max Factory Figure Review

Hey, so for my first figure review I've decided to go ahead with Wendy Garret from the anime GunXSword!

One day, a little girl named Wendy was walking through a fantastic wood and suddenly tripped and fell down a steep slope!
Down, down, down she went, pig-tails and all. Luckily she had her giant suit case, that fortunately enough for her, acted as a "sled" of sorts, until she flew off by way of a big stone at the bottom of the hill.

As she soared through the wood, she hit her head on a tree trunk! "Ouch!" she cried, for Wendy wasn't much for pain. As she got to her knees she saw a shining light through the foliage surrounding her. As she peered through some outrageously large leaves she saw a magnificent and magical garden. The grand garden was illuminated by a single, elaborate light positioned in the center. It was here that she realized her destiny, "Wouldn't it be the greatest plan in the WORLD to construct clothing out of such wonderful flowers and leaves?" Wendy wasn't the most practical girl in the world, but who can blame a creative mind?

As the mischievous little girl opened the gate, she sifted through the wide range of flowers and split them apart and scattered them all around her. Luckily for her she had her best turtle side-kick and fashionista extrordinaire, Kameo by her side.
The two sat and pondered about the best way to use the materials Wendy had at her disposal. Suddenly, Wendy shrugged and exclaimed:
Kameo, ever the optimist, looked up and suggested that Wendy should make a hat for herself out of the flowers. Wendy smiled and patted the loyal little turtle on the head. She thought Kameo's idea was perfefct, and the most easy. At this point, it was well beyond dark time, and she knew that she would surely be in trouble with her big brother if she stayed any longer. With a hop, skip and a jump, little Garret decided to go to work on a hat that would suit her hairstyle. She quickly finished a hat she admired and ran home to show her big brother her creation.
What to you think, does Wendy have a career in the fashion industry?

Ok, well that does it for storytime. Don't make fun of me too much, I figured it would be fun to make up a quick story for the pics with her and the flowers. I won't bank on a career in children's literature! ^^ On to the review and pictures!

This is Wendy Garret made by MaxFactory

GunXSword was the second full anime series I embarked on and after completing it I knew I had to track down figures from the series. I couldn't help but falling for this rendition of the adventerous and brave girl with the weirdest hair-do I'd ever seen. Wendy comes featured kneeling on her infamous suitcase, and below her is her trusty turtle companion Kameo. The attention to detail is superb here, from her gun holster to the pait app on Kameo. The guys over at MaxFactory really did a fine job with this one. All of the lines are clean and the color choices are perfect.

I feel the pose is quite original, and looks dynamic compared to other standing figures that I have in my collection. With her hand above her forehead, she avoids the awkwardness that I find with her spider-like bangs. I love her expression:

Her figure tempts the eye, yet still maintains her innocent and child-like demeanor.

As you can see, Wendy looks great from all angles. I've heard some people feel that her likeliness doesn't truly match the art in the anime, but I would have to disagree. Her face shape might stray a little from the animation, but from her eyes...or eye...and hair design, its obvious this is Wendy.

Overall I'm glad I picked this little number up. The design of the character is nearly 100% accurate to her artwork, I find her expression and pose to be really different than most other figures I have or seen, and the paint app on Wendy is fantastic. Small attention to detail concerning her turtle friend, her suitcase and her gun/gun holster has not gone unappreciated. If you're a fan of the GunXSword series and enjoy collecting figures, I'd say that you wouldn't regret tracking her down.

Here are some extra photos I took with the leaves, they made me laugh. :D

Ok, well that about does it for my first review/picture session. Tell me what you think, any suggestions and/or comments would be great! Hoped you enjoyed the first installment to my blog and please come back to see new upcoming reviews! Thanks for looking!

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